Kranz Korner

Random bits from a FLOSS geek

Archive for September 2013

So long, and thanks for all the packages!

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I’ve been running several Deb-o-Matic instances on several servers since ages. This service, meant to provide a way to automate the build of Debian source packages, has been the starting point for a lot of Italian developers to start packaging, and eventually become Debian or Ubuntu developers. I can’t exactly tell how many packages Deb-o-Matic servers have built so far, but it has been the primary build and test environment for at least three Debian Developers since four years.

This service was hosted for free since the beginning, but the good things always come to an end. My provider decided they cannot keep our servers running (its core business is totally unrelated to hosting servers), and asked me to shut them down. I started with the two kfreebsd-* machines, and soon I will shut down i386 and amd64 as well. When all services will be down, I’ll take care of removing the domains I created for them.

Deb-o-Matic development won’t stop, but developers who used Deb-o-Matic daily will have to find a different solution to build and test their packages.

Written by Luca Falavigna

19/09/2013 at 07:53